A New BIG Adventure!


Markus and I are in Tahiti preparing the boat to go to Kiritimati (Christmas Island). It’s around 1200 NM from here straight North towards Hawaii.
We are planing to maybe stay here for the Hurricane season.

We have been doing all kinds of stuff to get prepared as we don’t know how much can be provided over there. We have changed the battery bank as it was not holding up the load. Getting the outboard engine serviced, getting an extra spare pump for the water maker, doing mayor provisioning with food. And even caning meat! 😀


Also the most important thing right now has been visiting the doctor.
Yes, that’s right we have actually been going to the doctor quite regurlary here in French Polynesia as it’s not just the two of us we have to take care of anymore.
We are starting a big new adventure, and that includes a new tiny little crew-member that is going to join us by the end of March. THAT’S RIGHT PEOPLE, WE ARE HAVING A BABY! We are super duper excited!!!!!


I think this is the most amazing thing that I have experienced…. to have a little baby growing in my belly!
We are 4 month pregnant, and it’s been an experience for sure! The first months were a little bit hard with smells that made me sick, hard time to eat. I have been sleeping a lot as I was always tired, and with mood swings! But I’m very lucky to have the best husband in the world! Markus is seriously the most patient and kindest person ever! Im very lucky to have him. He has taken care of me like a queen. Usually it’s like a princess but now I’m a queen! hahaha…. 😀

Today we went to the midwife to do a check up before leaving for our 2 week crossing. The baby’s heart is beating good, and the little one was moving around like a little crazy thing! She had to chase it around my belly to listen to the heart!

Talk about exciting news! I know I haven’t written too much but it’s been a hard secret to keep, that’s my excuse. 😉

Now we will be sailing for 2 weeks without internet.. Just us and the sea! Woohoo!


Cathy, Markus and Baby!



  1. Så fantastiskt roligt! Stort grattis till dig o Markus. Hoppas allt går bra under graviditeten. Lycka till! Var rädd om dig. Kram


  2. Stort grattis cathy o markus 🙂 så härligt me en baby ♡ modig e du me som vågar ge sig ut på äventyr även som gravid hehe ha d så bra o uppdatera oss mer om babyn puss puss


  3. Felicidades a ustedes! Que aventura mas grande navegar por el mundo con un bebé, muy muy intresante! Me inspiran! Saludos


  4. Vi är sååå otroligt glada för er och längtar efter den lilla. Ser fram emot framtida playdate:)
    We Love u guys.


  5. Great news and so nice to see you both again after 5 years of amazing adventures. We must meet again next year when you will be 3 . Good luck , safe travels and lots of XXX from SV Big Fish


  6. Åh!! Stort grattis!! Vad spännande, jag är så glad för er!
    Hoppas att du har en mysig graviditet och det går bra!
    Ta hand om er och ät ordentligt! 🙂


  7. så underbart!!! Ni kommer bli en fantastisk liten familj med massa kärlek och alla nya äventyr ni kommer dela! Så glad för er skull!! Massa massa kramar och kärlek till er 😉 ❤


  8. GRATTIS GRATTIS fan va roligt!! Jag blev helt till mig av lycka när jag läste det å jag önskar er all lycka!! Ta hand om er å njut för fullt! Bamse kramar till er alla tre!!


    What fabulous news…Mike and I are so excited for you both. This baby is so lucky…you and Markus will make wonderful parents!!!!! We love and miss you both…stay safe. 😉


    • Thank you Vickie and Mike!! We are so excited! new adventure! and we really hope we can be good parents… hehehe… we miss you guys to, you have to come over to this side of the ocean soon!! love and xx Cathy and Markus


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